воскресенье, 1 декабря 2013 г.

Страви української кухні

   У харчуванні українців невід'ємною частиною є різноманітні супи (юшки). Найбільш популярні борщі. За набором продуктів і способами приготування вони відбивають специфіку харчування населення окремих місцевостей. Український борщ посідає особливе місце. До його складу входить близько 20 найменувань про­дуктів.  Україні готують також капусняки й кулеші, які мають густу консистенцію.
   Характерною для української кухні є також значна кількість борошняних виробів. Національни­ми стравами вважаються вироби з простого бездріжджового тіста: вареники, галушки, гречаники. У борошняних стравах здебільшого використовується пшеничне борошно, рідше — гречане в суміші з пшеничним, а із крупів популярністю користуються пшоно та рис.
   Гарячі напої у вигляді чаю готують як традиційними способами, так і настоюванням лікарських трав — м'яти перцевої, звіробою, липового цвіту та інших сумішей.
Прохолодні напої виготовляють із плодових, ягідних, овочевих (морквяного, бурякового) соків.


Fast food and junk food

      The two words that people associate with food, which is not good for people, are fast food and junk food.
      Fast food is part of modern-day life. You usually buy a hamburger with French fries and a drink to eat in or take away. Finger food makes most fast food , and can be eaten without forks and knives. This food is usually served in cartons or bags or in a plastic wrapping. Fastfood places often have a drive-through service which lets people order and pick up food from their cars.
Fast food is often highly processed and prepared in an industrial way: with standard ingredients and standard cooking methods. It is often high in fat and sugar and low in vitamins and minerals.                   Another bad thing is that people eat fast food in a hurry. They eat more when they are in a hurry. That is why they are overweight which is bad for their health.
      Junk food is any food that is unhealthy. Examples of junk food include hamburgers, pizza, candy, soda and salty foods like potato chips and French fries. Junk food still remains popular because it is cheap and convenient to eat. It usually has lots of empty calories. They are very low on proteins, vitamins and fibre. Since junk food is high in fats and sugars, it leads to obesity, dental problems, heart diseases, etc.


Popular recipes

· 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
· 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
· 1 teaspoon salt
· 1 tablespoon white sugar
· 1/4 cups milk
· 1 egg
· 3 tablespoons butter, melted
1.  In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar. Make a well in the center and pour in the milk, egg and melted butter; mix until smooth.
2.  Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each pancake. Brown on both sides and serve hot.

· 4 cups white flour
· 1 cup water
· 1 egg, slightly beaten
· 2 tablespoons salted butter
· a half spoonful of salt
meat filling
In a large pot, bring the water to a boil, adding the butter and salt and stirring until melted. Quickly mix in about a half cup of the flour and stir until smooth. Add the egg and the remaining flour, using more flour as necessary to make a not-too-stiff dough, and knead until soft and even. Let rest in a covered bowl at room temperature for one hour. Meanwhile, prepare the filling by taking several handfuls of fresh mushrooms, trimming the ends and slicing thinly, and frying gently in butter with the addition of some finely chopped Spanish onion. When softened, season to taste with salt, black pepper and some chopped mixed greens consisting of flat-leaf parsley, coriander and celery leaves. Let cool. To make the chebureki, roll the dough to a thickness of about your little finger. Roll the dough into a thin sheet, cut circles by the back side of the mold. Place a circle into the open mold, add a generous spoonful of the filling in the middle. Close the mold and press a little. One, two, three and chebureki are ready! When all of the chebureki have been filled, heat some oil and butter in a large pan and fry over medium heat until golden brown.

Cuisine in different countries

                               British cuisine
Fish and chips (fried potatoes) are probably the UK’s most famous food.         
Japanese cuisine
Here in Japan, people eat a lot of fish. Everyone loves fish. The best kind of fish is very fresh and it is served raw – that means it is not cooked.

Ukrainian cuisine

*Borshch has had a special and important place on the daily menu of the Ukrainian people for many years. It is usually served as a first course for dinner. It tastes best  when served with pampushkas (small round buns) and garlic.
Радиальная диаграммаVarenyky are squar- or crescent-shaped dumplings of unleavened dough, stuffed with mashed potato, sauerkraut, cheese, cabbage, meat, hard-boiled egg or a combination of these, or with a fruit filling. Varenyky are very popular in Ukraine.